10 Travel Hacks To Keep You From Standing Out as a Tourist

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By Samantha Collins

Have you ever felt like you’re wearing a neon “I’m a tourist!” sign in a new place? Most people have been there. Traveling doesn’t mean you have to stand out. That’s why we put some solutions together for those who want to blend in with the locals. And you can be sure these hacks work because folks in an online community who know what it feels like to stand out in a new land offer these insights.

1. Respect Local Customs and Laws

Police checking vehicle
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Part of the joys of traveling comes from learning the local culture. To truly connect, you must respect local customs and laws. Before starting your journey, research the region’s cultural nuances. You might discover that some places frown on seemingly innocent gestures like pointing with a finger.

Additionally, being aware of local laws, such as restrictions on photographing specific landmarks, ensures you tread carefully. Being informed and respectful safeguards yourself from unintentional missteps and fosters genuine connections with the locals.

2. Learn Basic Local Phrases

Traveler with book
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Language is a beautiful bridge to mutual understanding. While mastering a new language might be challenging, learning a few essential phrases isn’t. Greetings like “hello,” expressions of gratitude like “thank you,” and farewells such as “goodbye” can help a great deal. Using these phrases shows locals you value and appreciate their culture.

It’s a small gesture but can lead to heartwarming interactions, making your travel experience even more memorable.

3. Avoid Flashiness

Woman wearing flashy dress
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Every place has its unique rhythm and style. To truly experience a destination without standing out, try to blend in — well, duh! But this means dressing in a manner that resonates with the local vibe.

Avoiding overly touristy attire, like shirts emblazoned with destinations or noticeable fanny packs, helps you merge seamlessly. Such items can easily label you as a tourist, making you an easy target.

Opting for neutral, understated clothing ensures safety and lets you experience the locale from an insider’s perspective.

A globetrotter shares, “As an old white woman who got off chicken buses in Guatemala, I could read the tour guides’ minds… old white woman with a pension. So I took my shoes off, went barefoot, and put a fake nose ring on. ‘Old hippie, no money.’ They left me alone.”

4. Walk Confidently and Decisively

Traveler woman walking at night
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Your body language can tell a story. In unfamiliar territories, it’s essential to exude confidence. This doesn’t mean being overconfident but instead walking with purpose and awareness.

Keeping your head up, being mindful of your surroundings, and avoiding distractions like constantly checking your phone can deter potential pickpockets.

And if you ever feel lost or uncertain, it’s perfectly okay to ask for directions or help. Just approach with a smile and that newfound confidence.

5. Be Discreet, Avoid Staring

Unimpressed woman saying no
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New places can be fascinating, and wanting to soak in every detail is natural. However, it’s essential to remember the age-old adage: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Avoid staring or making locals feel like they’re on display. In many cultures, prolonged eye contact can be seen as intrusive or rude.

Instead, take your surroundings subtly, with glances and a respectful distance. This way, you can enjoy the surrounding beauty while ensuring everyone feels comfortable.

6. Choose Unobtrusive Bags

Tourist man wearing bag and walking
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Traveling is all about blending in and experiencing a place as the locals do. One of the first steps to achieving this is selecting the right bag. Large, flashy bags can easily mark you as a tourist, making you a potential target for unsolicited attention or even scams.

Instead, consider a compact crossbody or a sleek messenger bag. These designs are not only in vogue but also immensely practical. They snugly fit against your body, ensuring your belongings are always within reach and safe.

By opting for a subtle, functional bag, you not only safeguard your possessions but also move around with the understated elegance of a local.

7. Navigate Confidently

Travel Insurance Master
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Exploring a new city is exhilarating, but moving with purpose is essential. Wandering with a map can quickly give away your tourist status. Before stepping out, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the area using a digital map or a travel app.

This prep time allows you to walk confidently, absorbing the sights and sounds without constantly referring to directions. Remember, locals rarely walk around looking lost. Navigating with assurance will enable you to blend in and enjoy a more organic and immersive travel experience.

8. Embrace Local Cuisine Spots

Couples eating hot dog
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Food is a window into a culture, and there’s no better way to understand a place than by savoring its local delicacies. While the comfort of familiar eateries might beckon, they rarely offer the authentic experience you seek. Instead, venture a bit off the beaten path.

Seek out those hidden gems where the aroma of local dishes wafts through the air, and the chatter is predominantly in the native tongue. Dining at local favorites promises a culinary adventure and provides insights into the region’s traditions and way of life.

So, be adventurous with your palate and dive deep into the local food scene.

9. Utilize Public Transportation

Tourist using local train
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There’s a certain charm in navigating a city using its public transportation. While taxis and rideshares have their place, they often isolate you from the natural vibrancy of the streets. Buses, trams, subways, and local trains offer a slice of everyday life.

They’re usually more pocketbook-friendly and allow you to observe and interact with locals. Plus, they’re eco-friendlier! By choosing public transport, you’re saving money, experiencing the city’s pulse, and contributing to its sustainability.

10. Don’t Carry Around a Lot of Cash or Valuables

Tourist woman having money
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Traveling is about making memories, not worrying about possessions. Carrying a lot of cash or flashy valuables can be an open invitation for trouble. Taking just what you’ll need for the day is always wise. If you must have cash, consider discrete options like a money belt or hidden compartments in your clothing. Modern travel gear often comes with these nifty features.

By being mindful of what you carry, you free yourself from the constant stress of safeguarding valuables, immersing you in the joy of exploration. Remember, the best travel memories are rarely about things but about experiences and connections.

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