12 Things Plane Passengers Do That Makes Others Want Them Kicked Off Immediately

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By Samantha Collins

We’ve all seen short video content of unruly airplane passengers, but have you ever witnessed a live show? From putting feet on the back of the seat in front of you to non-stop walking the aisles, these are some of the most obnoxious behaviors that travelers wish passengers would be kicked off over.

1. Excessive Cabin Baggage

Woman loading cabin baggage
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Airplanes have limited space for cabin baggage, and some people seem to have no problem bringing big bags – sometimes multiple bags – and leaving no more overhead space for anyone else.

2. Hogging the Armrests

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Most people know that the rule of thumb when it comes to armrests on public transport is that you each get one.

But some people just don’t care, and they have no problem using the armrests on both sides, often leaving the passengers next to them with very little space, making them incredibly uncomfortable. How rude!

3. Seat Kicking

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Of course, sometimes you may accidentally knock the seat in front of you, and that’s not a crime. But some passengers consistently kick the seats in front of them every time they move a muscle, and if you’re the one getting kicked, it’s incredibly unpleasant – especially if you’re trying to sleep!

4. Reclining Seats Without Consideration

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You’re totally allowed to recline your seat, but just because you can doesn’t mean you have to. And it definitely doesn’t mean you should recline it all the way back. Sure, it may give you extra space, but remember that the extra space you get is space you’re taking away from the person behind you!

5. Speaking Loudly

Woman closing ears
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There’s nothing wrong with friendly conversation, but do remember that you’re surrounded by loads of other people, and not everyone wants to hear what you’re talking about. Unfortunately, some people just don’t care at all and speak at the top of their lungs for the whole flight. That means nobody will be getting any sleep!

6. Being Untidy

Messy eating in plane
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Being messy on an airplane is probably a pretty good reflection of what you’re like in real life, and some people just don’t know how to be tidy. Leaving your rubbish lying around or on the floor, or having your belongings scattered all over, is just inconsiderate.

7. Pestering the Cabin Crew

Man talking with cabin crew
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There’s nothing wrong with asking the cabin crew for something, but some people take advantage of their willingness to help. By ringing the bell for assistance every few minutes, not only are these passengers irritating everyone around them, but they’re disturbing the cabin crew unnecessarily and stopping them from doing other important things!

8. Drinking Too Much

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Having a drink is okay, but there’s always somebody who takes it one step too far. There’s nothing worse than an annoying, drunk person in a confined space.

9. Eating Strong-Smelling Food

Woman in flight eating
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Snacking on a flight is totally acceptable, but some people seem to choose the most pungent-smelling food – did someone say tuna sandwich? It may be delicious for whoever’s eating it, but rest assured, nobody else on the plane wants to smell your second-hand fish dish.

10. Not Using Headphones

Watching movie in plane
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the worst things people do in public places is listen to music or watch series at full volume – or let their kids do so.

11. Not Controlling Their Children

Father with crying baby
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We can all empathize that it must be tough traveling with kids, but some people just don’t even attempt to control their children, letting them run around and cause chaos. And one thing’s for sure – it’s not the responsibility of the cabin crew to babysit your kids!

12. Walking Around Excessively

Man walking in aisle of flight
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Getting bored of sitting is totally normal, but it’s so inconsiderate to spend the whole flight pacing up and down, annoying everyone else. If all the other passengers need to sit down and relax, you should too.

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