8 Pieces of Modern Tech That Boomers Seriously Struggle With Using Today

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By Samantha Collins

For most of us, technology is just part of life, and although we’re constantly using new things, learning how to use them isn’t a foreign concept. Even things that are brand new or haven’t always been around—we know that they can help us and make our lives easier, so we adapt to learning and evolving with the times.

Boomers and Tech Troubles

frustrated senior new tech
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Well, it’s a common trend for older baby boomers to do the exact opposite. Many seniors don’t like technology—they find it intimidating—so they don’t make an effort to learn these new things or become easily overwhelmed by updates. Here are several tech areas where boomers today may struggle. 

1. Social Media

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A lot of people see social media as something that can only be enjoyed and used by young people, but that really shouldn’t be the case at all! Often, youngsters use things like Facebook and Instagram to communicate with the people around them – or at least, that was true when it first became popular – but these days, it’s become a great way to communicate and keep in touch with people from far away. And who could benefit most from this? Yes, boomers!

By using social media, boomers can make their own profiles and not only communicate with friends and family from afar, but they also have the opportunity to reconnect with people they may have lost touch with. And, it allows them to see photos and general updates from family and friends without having to receive constant personal messages, emails, and more!

2. Online Banking

Man teaching his father
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Online banking is almost all about convenience. If you do your banking via the internet, you don’t have to go into a bank to talk to an employee, which not only saves you time and effort, but it can be essential for some boomers for whom traveling is difficult.

These days, online banking allows you to do things from your cell phone or your computer within a few seconds, allowing you to manage your finances far more easily than ever before. It could also give boomers more control!

3. Video Calling

Senior couples using smart phone
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Video calling is an incredible invention and it’s one of the top pieces of technology that we think boomers could benefit from. It’s a great way to be able to speak to and communicate with people from far away while still feeling like you’re having a proper connection. If boomers learned how to video call, it would probably help them stay in contact with loved ones in a far more meaningful way.

4. GPS

Google map
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We know that boomers grew up and learned to drive using real maps, and that’s great; we’re not diminishing that. But these days, GPS technology is so incredible that you just don’t need to waste your time and energy trying to work something out on paper. And it can also be a great safety feature in case you get lost while you’re driving or traveling somewhere!

5. Cell Phone Cameras

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many boomers still find it fairly difficult to comprehend the fact that smartphones have cameras on them, let alone cameras that can actually produce high-quality photographs. Well, we think that it’s a piece of technology that boomers could use in their everyday lives that could bring them happiness and fun. Unlike in the olden days, we no longer need to have big, fancy, expensive cameras to take photographs!

6. Kindles and E-Readers

Woman reading kindle in flight
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Kindles and other types of E-readers are all about convenience, and since there are so many boomers who love to read, they’re sure to enjoy using these devices. They don’t have to keep buying books and carrying them around. And even if you do want to keep buying the hard copies, you won’t risk damaging them when you take them out to read.

7. Whatsapp

Boomer woman with mobile
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whatsapp is a quick and easy way to maintain convenient contact with loved ones, and best of all, it doesn’t take a massive amount of time. A lot of people are put off calling people, even if they do actually care about speaking to them, just because it can be time-consuming. But we think that boomers would really benefit from using Whatsapp because they’ll be able to keep in touch with the young people around them far more easily.

8. Smart Televisions

Old man watching tv
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For boomers who enjoy watching television, smart TVs are something that could make their lives a whole lot easier. And it’ll provide them with more options for things to watch! Also, smart TVs are pretty easy to use too.

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