10 Riveting American Conspiracy Theories That Will Leave You Questioning Everything

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By Samantha Collins

Similar to urban legends, America also has its long list of conspiracy theories. Throughout the country, there are a large number of people who believe that the government, A-list celebrities, and other top organizations are hiding the absolute truth from the public. Read below as we dive into 10 riveting American conspiracy theories that will have you questioning everything.

1. The Moon Landing Was Faked

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Conspiracy theories have only continued to grow over the last fifty years since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin supposedly took their first steps on the moon. One of the biggest things conspiracy theorists point out is shadows in the images. Another is the United States flag waving in the wind, but there’s no wind on the moon; indeed, the moon landing was faked.

2. 9/11 Was an Inside Job

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Many conspiracy theorists today believe that Bin Laden was never involved in the attacks on the Twin Towers, but it was at the hands of no other than our own US government. From holographic planes, a missile hitting the Pentagon, and the Twin Towers falling demolition style, many questions remain today. What we can say is that if this conspiracy theory ever turned out to be accurate, it would change our world forever.

3. Top Elites Are Involved With Sex Trafficking

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One of the top conspiracy theories that many Americans believe is that the top elites are involved in an elaborate sex trafficking ring and a satanic worshipping cult. According to many QAnon believers, government officials and Hollywood celebrities use adrenochrome from young children to keep themselves young. Top elites, such as The Clintons, The Obamas, Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, and other A-list celebrities, are said to be involved in this conspiracy.

4. The Earth Is Flat

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One of the curious conspiracy theories on the Internet is that the Earth is flat and that our government drew up the round Earth that we’ve always known to be. The most significant flat Earth theory is that our world is a flat disc with a wall of ice surrounding it, preventing us from seeing other civilizations. The Flat Earth theory continues to grow in popularity, gaining more followers each year.

5. The CIA Assassinated JFK

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Robert Kennedy Jr., to this day, believes that the CIA was involved in killing his uncle, JFK. While our CIA has denied these allegations, it’s one of our history’s well-known conspiracy theories. Even though Lee Harvey Oswald was identified as the shooter, an investigation said it was likely that there were two shooters. Robert Kennedy Jr. has also said the CIA murdered his uncle because he wouldn’t send U.S. forces to Vietnam.

6. Chemtrails are Poisoning Us

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If you’ve never heard of the chemtrail conspiracy theory, get ready to go down a fascinating rabbit hole. The chemtrail theory is that the U.S. government is behind a specific program that adds poisonous chemicals to our atmosphere by using aircraft. Conspiracy theorists believe that the reason for these chemtrails is to sterilize the population, reduce our life expectancy, and weather control.

7. Birds Aren’t Real

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Birds aren’t real, and the “birds” you see flying in the skies are drones, according to one of the floating conspiracy theories. This conspiracy theory claims that birds were once real; however, the US government made birds extinct in the 20th century. The birds aren’t real conspiracy theory movement has almost one million followers and thousands of followers on Instagram and TikTok.

8. FEMA Concentration Camps

MONTREAL, CANADA - APRIL 24, 2019 : Fema.gov Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass. FEMA is The Federal Emergency Management Agency
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.
As the conspiracy theory goes, the US government is turning abandoned industrial areas into FEMA concentration camps to round up civilians and imprison Americans. These areas of concentration camps are being kept ready for when the government declares Martial Law. During the Covid pandemic, many videos surfaced of these so-called concentration camps, so the question remains: what’s the government really up to?

9. Haarp

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Many conspiracy theorists today believe that the natural disasters were created by HAARP, a weapon machine used by the United States military to control the weather. Due to being known as a military research project, HAARP has long been in the spotlight for its conspiracy theories. While many news sites have debunked this theory, with the strange weather we’ve experienced over the past couple of years, it doesn’t seem far-fetched.

10. MK Ultra

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From 1953 to 1973, the CIA ran a top-secret mind control program that has been the center of many conspiracy theories since being made public back in 1975. The theory goes that MK-Ultra is still used today on civilians to conduct assassinations and mass shootings by the government. MK Ultra is the conspiracy nightmares are made of.

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