Is It Even Possible? Saying No to Hitchhiking Cockroaches in Rental Cars

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By Samantha Collins

Arriving at your travel destination only to discover a crawling critter in your rental car can turn your exciting adventure into a horror movie real quick. Few things are more uncomfortable and unsettling than sharing your space with roaches, but they’re still an unwelcome surprise. When an Internet user asked whether this situation is avoidable, others proved that the possibility of avoiding a roach-infested rental car isn’t as bleak as it sounds.

1. Do Some Research

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“We rented a car in Hawaii, and it was clean and bug-free,” begins the first contrary response. “That does not happen to everyone. Maybe read the reviews of the car agency you plan to use before renting.”

2. But Research Is Futile!

Old woman using mobile
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Local business reviews are everywhere, so a few minutes of research is all it takes to mitigate disaster. However, one poster contradicts this idea. “This appears to have happened with multiple agencies and islands, so the hack, unfortunately, isn’t ‘just don’t rent from agency X on Maui and you’re golden,'” warns the original poster.

3. Do the Sticky Strap Test

Roach sticky trap
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Put a sticky trap or open soda can in the back seat, wait a few minutes, and if it attracts a bunch of them, go back to the counter and ask for another car,” recommends the opening thread. I am unsure how long to wait, but it sounds like a good plan.

4. Case in Point

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This is absolutely something that happens in Hawaii; we rented a car in Kona and drove it for a day,” explains a former visitor. After dinner that night, we walked out of the restaurant. You could see roaches all over the inside of the windows.” Thankfully, the rental agency replaced their car with a roach-free model.

5. Just Like Bed Bugs

Mens mattress
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Another commenter makes a comparison with a common tourist issue: bed bugs. “You eventually learn that every hotel has bed bugs,” says a wizened traveler. “What separates the good from the bad properties isn’t that they get them; it is how seriously they take the issue and how thorough the remediation efforts.”

6. Rent a Motorcycle Instead

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A simple solution to this problem is not to rent a car; this way, you alleviate the bugs issue. When I went to Hawaii, I rented a motorcycle,” states the next observer. This method will only work if you travel alone and do not fear riding a motorbike.

7. It Happens a Lot

drive in movie theatre
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Every car has roaches in them in Hawaii,” declares an experienced car renter. “Those that think they have a roach-free car just haven’t seen them yet. I shipped a new car over and thought it was roach-free until I put sticky traps under the seat.” Maybe you just need to take your medicine on this one!

8. Go to War

Roach spray
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Another motorist shares a story of his roach nightmare. “I thought it was just a freak thing happening,” says the commenter. “Rather than dealing with the rental car agency, I got some roach spray and went to war against them that night.” Sometimes, your mentality should be set to ‘take no prisoners’ mode.

9. Rent From the Hotel

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There are some hotels, I think, that rent cars for a day trip,” adds an informed Hawaii visitor with helpful insight. “With the cost of parking, that may be the way to go, and also to not be committed to days of roach family.”

10. Keep It Closed

Young man looking through car window
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“As with any tropical place, bugs can get in if you don’t close things properly,” explains another contributor. “If you are nervous, just inspect properly and lift the mats.” Is it possible to call the rental firm ahead of time and ask that they clear the car for you?

11. Rent a Driver

Woman driver
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Although this option will be expensive, hundreds of independent drivers will be in any tropical tourist hub. Why not hire a private driver for your family for those day trips? I would imagine private car owners taking steps to keep their cars clean.

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