Embracing the Art of Adapting To Travel With Children

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By Samantha Collins

Traveling with children can be a daunting prospect for many parents. The mere thought of dealing with unpredictable routines, crying babies, and the logistics of lugging around baby gear can send shivers down the spine of any traveler. However, the good news is that with careful planning and willingness to adapt, traveling with them can become an enriching experience. Let’s explore how parents of an online forum have embraced the art of traveling.

1. Prepare, but Don’t Overpack

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As a first-time parent, it is customary to pack every little thing in large quantities. You surely don’t want to face the trouble of having no diapers, right? Or running out of your child’s milk formula? But one user advises, “Don’t freak out and pack like your baby is the first baby to be at whatever destination you choose. Most places will have diapers, baby food, etc.” 

2. Toddler-Friendly Destinations

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When traveling with toddlers, another member highlights the importance of choosing fun destinations for them and breaking the trip into smaller, manageable chunks. It is no longer about your stamina, needs, and wants alone. You must go at a pace suitable for your young one. “Paris was great; there were lots of cool things to look at and easy food for kids.”

3. A New Travel Partner

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No, we are not talking about your baby but your babysitter. Hiring a babysitter while traveling is crucial to ensure you can still enjoy alone time with your partner. Although having a random stranger on your personal trip may be uncomfortable initially, you will soon get used to it.

4. Flexibility Is Key 

Traveling family in airport
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Traveling with young children requires a high degree of flexibility. Babies often need changing, feeding, or napping on their own schedules. As one member shares, it becomes more manageable after the baby reaches around eight months when the diaper changes are less frequent. 

5. Gradual Pace

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Some parents had to learn to start their young one’s traveling journey by working it out in smaller chunks. A parent mentions they started off with a flight five hours away, then brought it up to seven hours away, and are currently planning a trip ten hours away from their home city.

Adjusting to different time zones and travel schedules can be easier with a gradual approach, considering each child’s unique temperament.

6. Domestic Travels 

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Opting for domestic travel within your country, especially when children are infants, can be more manageable. A member reflects on how domestic travel in the US was more accessible with babies than international trips. 

7. Bulky Gear

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Traveling with babies and toddlers means dealing with bulkier gear, such as strollers and car seats. You must get used to this, but parents can still enjoy travel adventures despite the extra baggage. One shares they even did a trial run trip with their daughter at Yellowstone when she was only ten weeks old.

8. Striking a Balance

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Some parents say they had to make a conscious effort not to be oblivious to child-free people not wanting to be around their children. This may mean you will have to readjust your traveling buddies list, but it’s essential to strike a balance.

9. Age-Appropriate Activities

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Between six to 18 months can be a challenging age range to travel with children. You will have to choose more enjoyable places where children can roam safely, like meadows or national parks. Hence, destinations should be appropriate to your child’s age.

10. Managing Expectations

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Traveling with kids requires mental preparedness. Expectations should be kept as low as possible, as anything can go wrong. Children may become cranky, and logistical challenges can arise. If you go in with this mindset, you are less likely to become disappointed. 

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