In the Heart of the Wild: 15 Majestic Animals You Shouldn’t Miss To See on an African Safari

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By Samantha Collins

Africa is home to some of the world’s most incredible wildlife, and a safari is the perfect way to experience this natural beauty up close. The animals you see on TV are nothing compared to the majesty of seeing them up close in theirnatural habitat. So if you’re a person who has always dreamed of going on safari and taking in the wilds of Africa, here is a list of must-see animals in that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

1. African Lion

African Lion
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You’ll identify this pride of the African wilderness with its distinct brownish-yellow color. This is unlike the cinnamon and white-chested mountain lions prowling the woods of the United States.

One unique feature of the African male lions you should watch for is the thick black and brown manes that protect their necks when in a bout competing for food, territory, or sex. On your safari trip, you will see them longing in the sun or stalking prey in the hunt for the next meal.

2. African Elephant

African Elephant
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A close-knitted matriarchal herd, African elephants are interesting to see, primarily because of their advanced social behaviors that may include high intelligence and empathy similar to that of humans. You should enjoy seeing these gentle giants roam the African wilderness from close by.

3. Giraffe

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The giraffe hit the top spot when you think of elegance mixed with speed and giant strides. Surprisingly fast for its gait, this strong-feet animal will keep you in awe of nature’s brilliance on sight.

4. Cheetah

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The fastest land animal capable of reaching a speed of up to 70 miles per hour, this sleek and graceful predator is often seen hunting on the open savannah of Africa. Witnessing a chase could keep your blood pumping and your adrenaline hitting the roof.

5. Rhino

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Pouching and loss of habitats are responsible for the dwindling population of these African beauties. Seeing a Rhino on a safari will make for a memorable experience.

6. Buffalo

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Like cows on sight, these wildebeest could weigh up to 1500 pounds. They are aggressive and not to be meddled with if you find yourself within their terrains.

7. Crocodiles

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Crocodiles have the strongest bites of land animals. Although often sedentary when on land, you should not take their stillness for gentility when you’re on your next Safari trip.

8. African Leopard

African Leopard
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Large as they seem, leopards are the smallest of the big cats. They are solitary and only sit in a group during mating. You would see them prowling alone in parks behind an African evening sunset.

9. Wild Dogs

Wild Dogs
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Dogs are man’s best friends for the patting, curdling, and camaraderie. But not the African wild dogs. They are vicious, and you should not mistake them for your domestic pals when you vacay.

10. Hippo

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This water-loving animal is native to Africa and can consume up to 80 pounds of food daily. You’ll find them in the water when on a trip or at night when they are hunting for fruits.

11. Gazelle

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You could argue that these gorgeous antelope are not meant for the rigor of the wild, and you would be right. Gazelles are abundant in the desert and savannas of Africa. A visit holds the promise of seeing them strolling in the twilight sun or running from a hunting predator.

12. Warthog

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Warthogs are common to sight when on a safari. They are primarily herbivores, but you could find them feeding on small animals that cross their paths.

13. Wildebeest

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The wildebeest, also known as gnus, are large antelopes of the goat and cattle family. They are nibbling at grass blades and green leaves in East Africa.

14. Baboons

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You will find baboons in savannahs, tropical forests, and other semi-habits along the African wilderness. They are omnivores like you; you will see them eating plants and small animals.

15. Ostrich

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The most giant and flightless bird there is, African Safari offers you exclusive interactions with these farmed animals. As if made of pure intrigues, the Ostrich has unusual characteristics, like keeping their eggs with the most dominant Ostrich in the group, and you should ask to see them on your next visit.

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