Calling All Boomers: 10 Things You Should Do and See Before You Die

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By Samantha Collins

You’re officially retired and free of the obligations of working 9-5. Now, it’s time to take advantage of your freedom by ticking off the items on your bucket list.

But what if you don’t have a bucket list prepared? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with this must-do bucket list for boomers!

Experience Japan Firsthand

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Japan has so much to offer as a travel destination. Its unique history and culture make it an awe-inspiring must-see destination to add to your bucket list.

From ancient temples and rejuvenating onsens to its outstanding cuisine, often decorated in grand presentations and innovative products that are sure to impress, Japan is full of opportunities to adventure, eat, and socialize with friends and locals.

Master A New Hobby

Old woman crocheting
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You’re officially retired – hopefully – and now it’s time to use all the extra time on your hands to master a new hobby you’ve been meaning to conquer for years!

Whether it be to learn a new language, play a new instrument, or take a class on how to crochet, there are plenty of options to consider when it comes to taking on a new hobby or learning a new skill. Retirement can feel initially freeing, but without much to do, it can get boring quickly for some. With a new hobby or skill to take on, you’ll find that your time is being spent productively and in a way that feels accomplished as you achieve results.

Visit The Ancient Site of Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, Peru
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

An iconic symbol representing the ancient Incan Empire, Machu Picchu was classified as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007 and named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.

Nestled in the Andes Mountains in Peru, Machu Picchu is a historic citadel estimated to have been established around 1450 AD and discovered in 1911. We highly recommend adding a trip to Machu Picchu to your bucket list, as the site is a masterpiece of history, architecture, and unparalleled mountain vistas.

Conquer A Fitness Goal

Old man stretching
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As your body ages, muscle and bone density deteriorates. This can cause a decline in health, affecting your everyday quality of life that could otherwise be spent enjoying retirement. Whether hiring a trainer, joining fitness classes, or going on walks with a friend, staying active is important.

By setting achievable fitness goals, you’ll find yourself finding success in improving or maintaining your health!

Go On An Alaskan Cruise

Old couple in cruise
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the most popular activities for boomers is hopping on an Alaskan cruise!

Different types of cruises are available, but either way, this is one of the top recommended bucket list must-do’s. The sights are unparalleled in Alaska, with snow-tipped mountains, vibrant blue waters, and impactful views of animal life, such as humpback whales, moose, and bald eagles.

Create A Blog

Old woman learning with laptop
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s time to share your wisdom with the world on your blog!

Whether you share your passions, teach others a new skill, or provide guides of your travels to others, a blog can be an extremely helpful and productive way to share your passions and expertise with others.

Take A Trip To Ireland

Cork, Ireland
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Ireland is on many boomers’ bucket lists as one of the hottest places to travel to, and for good reason!

The lively atmosphere in Ireland is addictive, constantly surrounded by festive celebrations and events to experience firsthand alongside the locals. Brimming with nature, scenic coastlines, and impactful traditions, Ireland is one of the top additions you should add to your bucket list.

Attend A World-Class Event

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It’s time to take advantage of your free time and buy tickets to a world-class event!

Whether it be a sporting event like the FIFA World Cup or the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, numerous world-class events are waiting to be experienced. The hype of these world-famous events is worth the hype. Whether celebrating your favorite sports or sharing enriching culture and tradition, this is an inspiring addition to your bucket list.

Explore Europe By River Cruise

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Offering incredible value, European river cruises are an exciting chance to travel and experience multiple countries, such as Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. There are stops along the way for opportunities to participate in excursions and tours in each country to experience its unique culture, beauty, and cuisine.

Sink Back In Tropical Paradise In Hawaii

Oahu, Hawaii
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of baby boomers’ top bucket list items, Hawaii is a dreamy tropical paradise full of scenic beaches, sparkling blue waters, and lush tropical rainforests. This destination is a must-add to your bucket list as traveling to these islands will offer enriching experiences to hike, paddleboard, learn about local culture, and relax in paradise.

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