11 Creepiest Encounters of People Working In Remote Areas

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By Samantha Collins

Places from areas far from cities usually signal a dose of solitude and tranquility. But with the amount of horror movies we’ve seen, we will always consider the downside. Imagine finding yourself in situations that go beyond just a short power outage. These are some of the unsettling tales of remote workers who shared in an online forum how they lived to tell stories revolving around the eerie, strange, and downright spooky.

1. Dog Sees Something Else

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Our first tale comes from a diligent dog owner who was walking his pet up a discontinued mining track toward a mountain ridge in the Lake District just as dusk was beginning to settle in. Nearing a shoulder-height standing stone, his normally easygoing dog stopped, hair raised, refusing to move an inch further. “He would not take a step further,” the commenter said.

Swiftly sidestepping to another trail, the pet sprung back to his usual happy self. Guess it’s safe to say they’ll be steering clear of that stone in the future. Talk about a spooky detour!

2. Church Bells in a Remote Forest

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A boy scout leader recalls when he had a group of scouts make wooden shelters some ways from the main camp one night. After he sent the kids to sleep, he heard churchbells in the distance, which was strange because there was no church for 20 miles. “After the bells stopped, though,” the contributor claims, “the singing started.” He later discovered it was a KKK rally. Jeepers.

3. Circling Sharks

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An oil rigger shared their story of working in the Gulf of Mexico, where sea life would circle below the rig, waiting for food scraps. “Every once in a while, a huge great white shark would swim up from underneath and snatch a tuna … They’re terrifying.” That sounds cool — I would love to see a great white in the wild.

4. Lurking Moose

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“It’s pretty creepy when during (the) night shift you realize a moose has just been standing at the tree line staring you down for an unknown length of time,” jokes another oil worker. However, this one wasn’t in the tropical ocean but in the forests of northern Canada.

5. Creepy Trailer Grandpa

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Picture delivering a pizza to a trailer park on the outskirts of town; then, picture returning to your car, closing the door, and seeing what this poor chap saw. “I sit down in the driver’s seat,” says the nonplussed pizza guy, “and look up to see a creepy old man standing less than three feet from my side of the car.”

6. Supermarket Delivery Ambush

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A British supermarket delivery driver recounts how they couldn’t find a rural address late one foggy night. Then, searching a dark country lane, they heard a thud on the side of the van, though they couldn’t see anything nearby. “Then it happened again,” they confess. They later discovered the address didn’t exist — maybe they were being set up?

7. Alaskan Wilderness Creeps

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Sat in a secluded bay one night, an Alaskan fisherman recalls heading out on deck for a smoke. His peace didn’t last long: “All of a sudden, I heard the most horrific sounds of a wild animal being murdered by another wild animal.” Nature is brutal.

8. Never Visit Roxby Downs (Or Coober Pedy) In Australia

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A curious geologist working in the Australian outback saw what looked like a flagpole sticking out of the desert, so they went for a closer look. What they found was grisly. ‘It was a dead dog fully impaled on a spike,” describes the poster.

What is strange is how there were no other settlements for miles. A commenter asks whether he was in the very Australian-sounding “Coober Pedy,” where he once saw a man rolling around on the road in 120 degrees of heat. Coober Pedy and the geologist’s answer: “Roxby Downs” should never be on Trip Advisor.

9. Headless Doves and Sticks in Circles

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Witches are everywhere. Countless stories on the thread show evidence of Wiccan sites across the U.K. and America. For example, a forest worker says they once found headless doves in the middle of the woods. “I also found sticks arranged in circles and paint on the trees in the same spot,” they claim.

10. The Leopard Owns This

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A wildlife biologist in Borneo hiked a trail one morning to find a clouded leopard blocking their tracks. “It stayed there for a good five minutes watching us before it slowly walked into the thick brush,” enthuses the scientist. It sat hidden in the shrubs “only three meters away” as they passed. The leopard knew it was in charge.

11. Hide-and-Creep

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A farmer’s child playing hide-and-seek found a spot in their woods as their friend searched the vicinity, only to hear somebody deep breathing nearby. “It creeped me out so bad,” comments the commenter. “I ran out of hiding to greet my friend. I felt so uncomfortable for the rest of the night.” Stranger danger? No. The deep breather later rustled a cow.

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