10 Cultural Distinctions That Set the U.S. Apart From Its Northern Neighbor

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By Samantha Collins

In the War of 1812, America attempted to annex Canada before my ancestors, the Redcoat British, came and duly burnt down the Whitehouse to teach them a lesson. Strangely, the United States has never tried since, and each culture has grown further apart. Canada’s healthcare, government, and measurement units differ, but how do both sets of people differ culturally? A recent online post reveals the plain differences between them.

1. The Out Dichotomy

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Of course, the easiest way to distinguish whether you are talking to an American or Canuck is the quaint way they say the ‘out’ sound. You will need to force your verbal companion to say the words ‘out,’ ‘about,’ and ‘shout’ — either that or just ask them what brand of maple syrup they prefer.

2. Being Kind of French

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Quebec is an interesting place: a French-speaking province surrounded by English speakers with inferior cuisine. Although the English-speaking Canadian majority isn’t always easy to separate from their southern neighbors, if you meet someone with a slight mid-Atlantic French accent, the chances are they are Québécois.

3. Loving Hockey

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If you aren’t sure whether someone is Australian or English, just ask them about their favorite sport. Most Aussies will tell you they love Aussie rules football, while most English will tell you soccer (well, they will tell you football, which you call soccer). The same is said for Americans and Canadians. Chances are Americans will tell you they love football or basketball; Canadians will all tell you hockey. According to every Canadian I have ever met, hockey is like a religion across the vast nation.

4. Bilingual Society

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A curious perspective is how Canada’s adherence to the dual-language culture makes language a much larger part of society than in America. Having a French-speaking enclave where all laws, business protocols, and government decisions are made in French. Consequently, language is much more engulfed in the culture than in Florida, where all laws remain in English, even though Miami has a Spanish-speaking majority.

5. Canadians Are Not Americans, Okay?

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One interesting American take is that some Canadians go out of their way to disassociate themselves from being misjudged as Americans. Several U.S. residents speak of the tiresome way some visiting Canadians lectured them on their country’s problems. Furthermore, some people even lament being approached by Canadians in a foreign land and dealing with the same problem. Those Canucks, eh?

6. Live Free or Die

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From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, flag-saluting, Constitution-following Americans love their freedom. They would rather the government did less so they can take charge of their affairs. Meanwhile, their neighbors to the north prefer a more socialist, egalitarian society with centralized government control over healthcare, lawmaking, and education.

7. The Royal Connection

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Several Americans note how European Canadians seem compared to Americans who lean toward individualism. It may be connected to Canada’s continuing relationship with the British Crown and Royal Family. Technically, King Charles is still the head of state, while the late Queen Elizabeth II remains on Canada’s 20-dollar note.

8. British America

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One hilarious commenter in the thread posts preempts their opinion with the assertion that he may be banned from Canada soon. He assesses that Canada is a slightly British version of America, which I wholeheartedly agree with. From this day forward, I will remember Canada as British America — and I will probably be banned from entering.

9. American Swagger

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Some Americans honestly appraise how a native of each country is identifiable overseas. He declares that even though a room of Americans and Canadians would barely pick each other out in a room, most people elsewhere in the world would be able to recognize an American. However, could the same be said of a Canadian?

10. The First Amendment

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Maybe Americans are renowned as being more boisterous, talkative, and outgoing because they have more speech protection. In Canada, hate speech laws and their interpretations have led to arrests for nothing more than words spoken. I will stand with America on this one; speech is sacred and non-negotiable, Canada!

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