The 10 Most Ridiculous Travel Fails Shared by Adventurers

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By Samantha Collins

A collection of amusing travel anecdotes appeared on a recent online discussion after someone asked what the stupidest thing they have done while traveling. From slapstick moments to cultural faux pas, here are some misadventures to remember.

1. An Accidental Rickshaw War

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My wife and I inadvertently started a rickshaw war in Ningbo, China. When our regular morning rickshaw cyclist went home for a few weeks, we used another guy — who was super slow. Nevertheless, he became our go-to ride for two weeks. The day our original driver returned, we got in his carriage and left, only for the new guy to chase us down, screaming at our driver, who promptly ran him off the road. The new guy then made a point of racing us every day, shouting profanities. I guess we deserved it.

2. Have You Tried the Fort Knox Package?

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One hapless American decided he wanted to visit Fort Knox because — you know, Fort Knox is a famous tourist spot, after all. In summary, this gentleman thought he would drag his entire family to Kentucky to book a guided tour, only to realize Fort Knox is the most secure location in the world, and nobody is getting in. It even has its idiomatic phrase: as safe as Fort Knox, buddy!

3. A Wrong Train in France  

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Anyone would think that catching the wrong train is an innocent mistake and help the poor individual to their stop, but not in France. One poor lady took the train on the wrong day and then tried to explain to the conductor her predicament. No prizes for guessing the dedicated ticket officer’s response — yes, he fined her for traveling without a valid ticket. Oh la-la.

4. Do You Take American Express?

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The next traveler didn’t read up on current affairs when they visited Communist Berlin during the ’80s. Their biggest mistake when they wanted to return to free West Germany was offering to pay the border agent with an American Express Card. As you can imagine, the guards acted with utmost sincerity and did everything they could not to laugh in his face.

5. Motorcycle Madness in Thailand

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The Thai lifestyle appeals to many Western travelers with its low-budget accommodation, tropical appeal, and cheap motorbike rental. The only issue would be the haphazard attitude to personal safety, according to one person’s account. One unfortunate visitor’s misadventure culminated in being on the back of a drunk Thai rock singer, who drove so fast her eyes were streaming.

6. The Lost Hotel Scam

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After an 18-year-old landed in Paris, they grabbed a taxi to reach their hotel, only for the cab driver to drive around a bit before pulling over and asking for directions. As red flags go, this poor youngster didn’t see the giant one waving in their face as they let the driver finally arrive at their destination. They paid a whopping $80 (plus tips), grateful to have arrived, though blissfully unaware — until later — that they fell for the oldest trick in the book. Always agree to your fees first, kids.

7. The Hangover: Bangkok Sequel?

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Have you ever had that sense of deja vu? A commenter reveals how he and his wolfpack lost a friend in Bangkok after a wild night. However, it took three days to find him (ring any bells?) before they located him, one hour before they departed for the airport. It seems some people enjoy Bangkok’s treasures a little too much — their friend ducked them on purpose to go on a three-day bender alone. Maybe they should have left him there!

8. Brussels…on a Bank Holiday

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Choosing a city as dull as Brussels is an interesting choice for a day trip; however, this is what one European did one hot day. However, their plans came unstuck after realizing their mistake: they chose a national holiday, meaning everything was closed — even their hostel bar. They drank cans of beer from the vending machine all afternoon before returning home the next morning.

9. A Russian Launch Site

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Anecdotes about visiting Russia in the past are sometimes fraught with details so unbelievable they don’t seem possible. However, this is Russia, where a short Internet rabbit-hole dive will take the earnest web surfer into a world of shock, mostly involving dashcam footage. However, one golden rule in Russia is not to visit military sites, unlike one hair-brained contributor who decided to sneak into an abandoned missile launch site only to discover it was still active.

10. Wait, There’s a London in Canada?

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When purchasing flights late at night, we must be careful to choose the right location — and let’s remember, we all make mistakes. However, when choosing a flight from London to Albuquerque, be sure it isn’t London, Ontario, instead of London, England. Yes, it was yours truly who made the tired mistake, only to discover the night before departure my idiocy. Suffice it to say, it would have been an eye-opening humiliation to arrive at London Heathrow and present my passport.

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