12 Obnoxious Things That Make People Terrible Tourists

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By Samantha Collins

Being a tourist in a foreign country is exciting – you get to see new things, meet new people, and learn all about cultures that are completely foreign to you. And most of the time, locals enjoy having tourists visit – even if they find them a bit annoying, tourism is good for the economy.

However, sometimes, tourists behave in such a way that makes their presence incredibly unwanted. Often, it comes down to a lack of respect or thought about how their actions may impact other people.

Here are some things that people do that make them terrible tourists.

1. Loud and Obnoxious Behavior

Friends singing, laughing, dancing in public
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There’s absolutely nothing worse than being in the presence of loud, obnoxious tourists who are speaking at the top of their lungs and disrespecting everybody else around them. Sometimes, it seems like tourists think that the whole world revolves around them and their holiday, and they forget that the country they’re visiting is somebody’s home!

2. Littering and Disrespecting the Environment

Man throwing plastic bottle
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Littering and disrespecting the environment is always terrible behavior, but it’s even worse when tourists do it while they’re on holiday. It shows a massive disrespect for the locals and an attitude that says that they’re just going to take what they need and they don’t care at all how they affect the local communities.

3. Not Learning Tipping Culture

Tip bottle
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Tipping culture is different all over the world, and nobody is expected to just know what the norm is in every single country. However, if you’re going on holiday, it’s your responsibility to find out – you’re entering somebody else’s home, so norms from your country no longer apply. Being an ignorant tourist isn’t a good enough excuse – use the internet or ask a local.

4. Ignoring Safety Rules

Man swimming
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Safety rules are put in place for a reason, and they’re not only there to protect you. If a tourist does something silly like swim at the wrong section on the beach where it’s unsafe, they end up putting other people in danger and wasting their time. Trust the locals and respect the rules – they’re there for a reason!

5. Disrespecting Local Customs and Traditions

Traveler in Nepal with locals
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Experiencing local customs and traditions can be fascinating and exciting, but sometimes tourists forget that what they’re viewing as a fun outing is somebody else’s normal life. Treating locals like animals in a zoo is totally disrespectful.

6. Public Intoxication

Man behaving inappropriately in public
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Behaving inappropriately or being intoxicated in public is unacceptable no matter where in the world you go, and if you choose to do it while you’re a tourist in another country, you’re just showing your disrespect.

7. Taking Inappropriate Photographs

Man taking photo of people on the street
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Taking photographs is part of being a tourist and most of the time, it’s totally fine. However, sometimes, people don’t read the room and choose to take photos at the most inappropriate times. For instance, during local, sacred customs and traditions or at museums or memorials that are particularly somber.

8. Not Learning Basic Phrases

Stylish female traveler with backpack and smartphone in hand asking for help man with backpack at tram stop. Young woman tourist asking for directions and help from local people in tram stop outdoor.
Image Credit: Shutterstock/Iryna Inshyna.

Many tourists who visit countries that don’t speak the same language as them learn a few basic phrases and sound terrible while saying them – but at least they’ve tried! Tourists that just expect everybody to speak their language and don’t make any effort to learn some basic phrases are arrogant and rude.

9. Not Researching Local Laws

Police checking vehicle
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Laws are different all over the world, and being a tourist and not knowing that something is illegal isn’t going to be a good enough excuse. It’s your responsibility to familiarise yourself with local laws, even if they are totally different to what you’re used to.

10. Being Culturally Insensitive

Young woman berates two poor woman in public
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Cultural sensitivity is super important when you’re traveling and experiencing cultures that you’re not familiar with, but unfortunately, this is something loads of tourists get wrong. People often mock local cultures or make traditions seem silly, which is rude and inappropriate.

11. Being Disrespectful Towards Local Attractions

Father and son feeding giraffe in zoo
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Most locals are proud of their country’s attractions, and generally, they attract visitors for good reason. However, some tourists have no problem telling the world how much they disliked something or didn’t find it interesting – of course, you don’t have to like everything, but don’t be rude about it!

Another thing that the odd tourist does is disrespect the actual attractions – like touch something they shouldn’t or enter a restricted area. What makes them think they’re better than everyone else?

12. Aggressive Haggling

Traveler negotiating with salesman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In many cultures, haggling is traditional, and it’s almost expected when you purchase something. However, there’s a right and wrong way to do it, and unfortunately, some tourists get it wrong and are far too aggressive. If you’re not sure how to haggle, ask somebody for advice!

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