5 Real Reasons Why People Named Boomers The Worst Generation

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By Samantha Collins

Boomers, born between 1946 and the 1960s, have gotten a lot of heat over the last several years for being out of touch with the current generation’s struggles in the world. From being able to afford a home on a single-family income to the cost of living being closer to the minimum wage, Boomers have no clue what it’s like to work two jobs and still not afford a living. Here are a few reasons people have named them the absolute worst.

1. Liabilities Will Take Forever to Pay Off

Old couples thinking about debt
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Currently, our national debt is sitting around 33 trillion, the largest debt in history. With the rate things are going, this national debt will continue to grow over the next few decades unless something occurs to stop it. Boomers hate having to live within their means because they like government security when it comes to credit cards and mortgages.

Boomers have no problem with material things as long as the government can lend them money. They still represent a large percentage of the voting population and have no intention of changing their ways of living. Therefore, the government can’t create a reduction plan because boomers enjoy their safety nets.

2. Safety Nets Were Only Created for Boomers

Old Woman with doctor
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One primary reason the national debt is so high is that close to half a percent of government spending is applied toward areas such as insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, health care, and retirement. The majority of these areas are bankrupt; they have no funds left, but they’re also required to pay for Boomers’ pension plans and healthcare. Anyone born after 1965 is still working tirelessly to ensure the government pays for boomers’ retirement and disability.

With all that stuff, the amount still isn’t enough, so of course, our government continues to print money. With the continuous printing of money, the debts continue to increase, and who will pay for the debts? Not the boomers, of course.

3. Boomers Are Why We Had Problems With Obamacare

Old man drinking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whether you’ve ever been a fan of the Affordable Care Act or not, one truth about it is that its cost is weighing heavily on the younger generation. People today require less healthcare than boomers because they’re living healthier lifestyles than boomers, who spent the majority of their young lives smoking, drinking alcohol, and drinking sugary drinks. Millions of the younger generation are still uninsured, and boomers are now taking advantage of the increase in benefits that insurance companies require.

4. The Last Reminders of Our Past

two men at a Gay marriage wedding ceremony
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Looking back on it, when you think about the diners that appealed to whites only and the drinking fountains, you really can’t believe that it was ever a thing. Especially the way that women and gays were treated, but back then, many boomers were only teenagers. With many boomers being raised by their parents, they believed that black people couldn’t be trusted, women needed to stay home, and any person who was gay was a sinner.

Over the decades, these views have changed because the younger generation is smarter, more open-minded, and more educated. Unfortunately, now, we are still stuck with some boomers who continue to keep women out of corporate positions and fight against gay marriage.

5. Due to Their Excesses, We Need to Fix the Environment

huge power plant producing Toxic chemicals in air
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For many years, despite being warned, boomers refused to care about the environment; they wouldn’t recycle, and they operated companies that launched toxic chemicals into the air, poisoning citizens. Currently, there are so many areas of land that we can’t use because they’re infested with pesticides and chemicals dumped by the boomer generation. Over the last forty years, boomers have outrageously destroyed our forests, contaminated our skies, and filled our oceans with plastic.

Younger generations have currently begun taking steps to try and reverse the damage made by boomers.

So, what’s the great news? The boomer generation is continuing to get older and more are retiring each day. Unfortunately, there are still too many boomers left to fix the damage in its entirety. We’re optimistic that the younger generation of leaders will absolutely not make the same mistakes the boomers did.

We hope the government will begin to take care of those who are in need, that racism will continue to decrease, and that our environment will improve because our children followed in our footsteps and know how to save it. In the end, the younger generations will fix the mistakes and damage that were made by boomers, and we won’t need to worry about that generation.

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