10 of the World’s Most Scenic College Campuses: Where Academia Meets Awe-Inspiring Beauty

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By Samantha Collins

Let’s face it: not everyone is a massive fan of school, but when selecting the best college, many of these jaw-dropping universities will have you wanting to pack your bags in seconds. Keep reading as we explore 10 of the world’s most scenic college campuses!

1. Queen’s University, Ireland

View of Queen's University in Belfast - Northern Ireland
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Queen’s University looks like anything but a college campus; it resembles an extravagant palace home to royalty rather than a school for young students. The most famous building that stands out on its campus is The Landon Building; however, it has over two hundred and fifty total buildings with medieval architecture.

2. Princeton University, New Jersey

PRINCETON, NJ -13 MARCH 2015- Princeton University, a private Ivy League research university in New Jersey, has been ranked the number one undergraduate college by US News & World Report in 2014.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Princeton University is a well-known Ivy League college that only seems to be getting better with age despite being founded in 1746. Known as one of the highest educational institutions in the United States, this campus covers over five hundred acres with stunning architectural designs. The beautiful campus at Princeton gets to experience all four seasons with its colorful fall shades and snowy winters.

3. Dartmouth College, New Hampshire

Looking down the Dartmouth Green with trees beginning to show fall colors and a blue sky with puffy white clouds on a nice autumn day the Baker Library and its bell tower is in the background.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Dartmouth College in New Hampshire continues to rank as one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. The Dartmouth Green is pedestrian central for activities such as their Winter Carnival and summer’s farmers market. In addition, Dartmouth College also has one of the most photographed landmarks, the Baker-Berry Library, which is home to over 2.5 million books and offers some stunning views of the campus.

4. University of Colorado at Boulder

Boulder, CO - June 10, 2021: University of Colorado Boulder, CU Boulder lacrosse practice field
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Due to its natural landscaping, impressive architecture, and dedication to sustainability, the University of Colorado at Boulder is one of the most beautiful campuses in the United States. From classic brick buildings and glass steel structures, its architecture is one you can’t ignore. Not only is the architecture a stunner, but you’ll also come across many endangered species that the University prioritizes to protect and preserve.

5. Royal Roads University, British Columbia

Colwood, BC Canada - 08 07 2022: Hatley Castle located at Royal Roads University
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Did you know that Royal Roads University was one of the main settings in movies like Deadpool and X-Men? Located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, Royal Roads University is filled with trails along its campus that are either flat trails or mountainous. With its mild weather, you’ll see the campus’s cherry blossoms begin to bloom in February and Tea Plants, which only grow in this specific area.

6. University of London, England

Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, Engham, England, UK
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Located only a 40-minute train ride from Surrey, the University of London boasts gorgeous parklands, over one hundred and fifty trees, two hundred species of shrubs, and many flower plants. However, the stunner of this campus is the Founder’s Building, which holds Victorian paintings, an art library, a kitchen, a dining hall, and a lecture theatre for students. If you think the University of London looks familiar, that’s because it’s been featured in television series such as Downton Abbey.

7. University of Cambridge, England

University of Cambridge, London
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Known as one of England’s most prestigious and oldest universities, the University of Cambridge has some of the world’s most stunning architectural designs. To get into the authentic culture of the university, you can check out the college’s market square and its library, one of the world’s oldest libraries. While visiting this gem of campus, you won’t miss stopping by the Botanic Garden and the 24-carat gold grasshopper.

8. Harvard University, Massachusetts

The Harvard Memorial Hall, at Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As one of the most-visited campuses in Boston and along the East Coast, Harvard University is filled with historic buildings, gorgeous architecture, and plenty of hot spots to capture a photo for memories. By far one of the most iconic buildings on campus, you’ll find the Memorial Hall and Sanders Theater, with its large ceilings and stained glass windows. We can’t leave without mentioning Harvard Law School Library, the perfect place quiet spot for studying law.

9. University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The University of Edinburgh’s Old College is one of the oldest buildings on its campus and is heavily mentioned for its stunning dome. If the architecture of the building isn’t enough to wow you, an unforgettable hike to Arthur’s Seat, the over eight-hundred-foot-high volcano, is a famous spot for students to enjoy the breathtaking views of the city. And to recover from those crazy college parties, of course!

10. Notre Dame University, Indiana

September 26, 2017. A view of assembly Hall of New College, The University of Edinburgh with some tourists. The Assembly Hall is in the neo-gothic building situated directly East of Edinburgh Castle.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The beauty of the Notre Dame campus is simply one you’ll never forget; with its golden dome structure and picturesque landscape, there’s a reason why we’ve saved the best for last. The golden dome structure is hard to miss, along with the Neo-Gothic Basilica. Aside from its stunning architecture, the Notre Dame campus is loaded with lush quads, where students hang out in between lectures or when there’s not an exciting football game going on.

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