11 Little Things People Over 60 Should Have Already Learned in Life

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By Julia Jones

Each decade of life is like a chapter in a book, bringing new trials, tribulations, and life lessons. By the time people grow into their sixties, their experiences have shown and taught them a lot. These life lessons are better understood earlier than later in life, but it’s never too late. Have you learned them?

1. Every Person Alive Is Fighting Their Own Battles

serious angry mature woman boomer
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Everyone you meet is fighting their own battle, and you mostly will know nothing about it. Reserve your anger and irritability and extend grace instead. For example, the woman who cut you off on the freeway this morning may have received a phone call confirming the death of a loved one. The kid who appears to be throwing an outlandish tantrum may have a cognitive disorder. It’s not for people to judge. In these moments, your kindness can be a beacon of hope.

2. Sometimes Silence Is Golden

Relaxed senior woman
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Sometimes, watching your tongue and keeping your mouth shut is better. Some significant reasons for silence include not saying hurtful things in the heat of the moment that you can’t take back and reserving your inner peace. One of the most prominent examples of this is arguing with strangers online. Why do it? In a virtual sense, keeping your mouth shut is equivalent to keeping on scrolling.

3. Loose Lips Sink Ships

angry boomer waving finger senior
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Speaking of keeping your mouth shut, have you ever heard the idiom: “Loose lips sink ships?” The slogan originated during World War II as part of a propaganda campaign warning people not to divulge useful information to enemy spies. Still, it translates nicely into civilian life. Watch your mouth; sharing private or sensitive information may come with significant consequences, sometimes even fatal.

4. Listen More, Talk Less

Senior woman with friends
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In keeping with the theme of keeping those lips closed, another reality that anyone over 60 should already know is to listen more and talk less. Listening is more important than speaking; if you’re talking, you’re not learning. So, if you never shut up, it’s time to learn this lesson. Otherwise, you’ll remain a close-minded know-it-all who lives in a self-serving bubble.

5. You Can Be Right All the Time, or You Can Be Happy

Senior woman friends traveling
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While being right and happy can be mutually exclusive, sometimes, you need to choose between the two. Getting back to the point about arguing with strangers on the internet. Think about how worked up that makes someone. Huffing and puffing while frantically pounding away on the keyboard. It causes people to go through some real and intense emotions, and for what? To be right about something? Choose happiness instead.

6. You Don’t Owe Your Family Anything

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Despite the frequent societal contradiction, you don’t owe your family anything. Blood is not always thicker than water. People who have the comfort of believing in that don’t know trauma and toxic upbringing. Let them have their moment, but that isn’t true for everyone. Family is who you choose to let in and love you and who you love without condition in return.

7. Not Everyone Is Going to Like You

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You can be the sweetest, kindest person in the world. Still, some people are not going to like you. Worse, some will harbor legitimate hatred for you. And while you may not understand it, it’s perfectly okay. Truthfully, there have been some people who are kind that you genuinely dislike. It’s part of life.

8. Never Loan Money You Can’t Afford to Lose

boomer couple on couch scared scary movie
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One of the biggest rules regarding money is that you never lend money you can’t afford to never see again. If you lend money to family or a friend and they don’t pay it back, it’s alright to not lend money to them again. But don’t allow it to end the relationship because you knew the rule when you gave them the loan. Don’t give what you can’t afford to lose.

9. This Too Shall Pass

serious sad thinking retiree
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The popular saying “This too shall pass” means that everything is temporary and nothing lasts forever. The implication is to understand life comes with good and bad. So, cherish the good times because sometimes they get bad. Breathe and remain hopeful in times of suffering. Difficult times have come and gone, and this one will soon pass, too.

10. You Can’t Fix, Change, or Save People

mature woman on beach center
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s not your job to fix, change, or save people. You can and should, when feasible, support family and friends who want to change. However, it’s not your responsibility. Someone can only change if they want to, and they can only fix something if they see it’s broken. You also can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.

11. Don’t Worry About What People Think About You

women friends Boomers retirees hang out
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Stop worrying about what others may be thinking about you because the truth is they’re not. They’re, like everybody else, thinking about themselves. Don’t allow anxiety to replay conversations and interactions on repeat. They didn’t think whatever negative thing you’ve convinced yourself of, and they do like you. And remember, if they don’t, oh well


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